
Three scenes of students participating in intramural activities

参与 & 行为

With the pressure of world problems and modern living requirements, it is important that the individual take time out periodically for recreational pursuits, in order to help maintain a healthful mental equilibrium.

The goal of the 校内的 Program is to offer each person at CSC the chance to participate in their favorite type of competitive sports or activities, 并提供机会:.

  • 通过锻炼来保持健康.
  • Make social contacts and friendships which could not readily be developed in the classroom.
  • Learn the important values developed through team spirit and cooperation.
  • Experience the satisfaction of belonging to a group.
  • Relax from strenuous school work and the rapid pace of modern living.
  • 培养最高水平的体育精神. Realize the joy and fun of participating in your favorite sport against good competition, 不管你的能力如何.
  • 发展运动技能,在以后的生活中有用.

健康 & 身体检查

The 校内的 Department cannot assume responsibility for injury incurred during participation in any of the scheduled activities and sports.

请参阅CSC 校内体育手册




  • 开放
  • 报名时间:8月19日至8月22日
  • 比赛:8月22日th


  • 9月开始. 5(第1周)
  • 11月结束. 25(第12周)


  • Co Rec,男士
  • 报名时间:8月19日至9月3日
  • 队长会议:9月4日5:30室102
  • 联赛:9月10日- 9月26日
  • 季后赛:10月1日- 10月10日


  • 开放
  • 报名时间:8月19日至9月11日
  • 队长会议9月11日5:30室102
  • 比赛:9月13日


  • Co-Rec,女性的
  • 报名时间:9月30日至10月14日
  • 队长会议:10月16日5:30,102室
  • 联赛:10月17日- 11月12日
  • 季后赛:11月14日- 11月19日

3 v3篮球  

  • Co Rec,男装,女装
  • 报名时间:11月11日至11月21日
  • 比赛:11月21日

6 v6躲避球

  • 开放
  • 报名时间:11月25日至12月5日
  • 比赛:12月5日

Registration form available at the NPAC front desk or email intramurals@toymonstertruck.com

资格 & 无被选资格



  • All participants must be currently enrolled students (or spouses), CSC员工(或配偶), 或CSC校友.
  • Any student may participate in all scheduled events with a recognized campus organization, as long as they are an official member of that organization
  • 一名运动员在每项运动中只能参加一个队
  • 一名球员将被视为该队的一员, if they either enter an officially scheduled intramural league contest or place their name on the official roster
  • A player may participate in intramurals for a fraternity or sorority, as long as they are an "active" member of the organization or have paid their pledge fee.
  • Teams and team members' names should be entered on official intramural entry forms, 在报名截止日期之前
  • Each team must have enough eligible team members listed on their form to provide sufficient players for the sport in question by the entry deadline
  • New players may be added at any time, provided they are eligible under intramural rules. Exception: New players can not be added for playoff games or post–season games
  • Players must play at least two regularly–scheduled games or matches, 在任何锦标赛或季后赛之前
  • Transfer students who participated in athletics are eligible to compete in intramurals


  • Current varsity athletes: Individuals whose names appear on a team roster or eligibility list of an Intercollegiate athletic team at CSC, 或者其他四年制大学, 包括转学生, may not participate in a similar 校内的 sport during the academic year in which they are so listed.
  • Candidates for varsity and freshmen intercollegiate squads are not eligible for intramural participation in sports for which they are practicing, if the intramural season for that sport has started. For example, softball student-athletes are ineligible to compete in intramural softball.
  • Any freshman or varsity squad member who drops from the squad after the intramural season in the same sport has started, will not be eligible to participate in the same intramural sport for the current year.
  • Track varsity or freshman candidates are ineligible for intramural track competition if they have participated in any freshman or varsity matches or meets, 展览或其他, 在本学年.
  • 参加过红衫队的校际运动员, 谁在学业上不合格, or have been barred because of unprofessional acts are not eligible to participate in a similar intramural sport during the academic year in which they are so listed.
  • Former intercollegiate athletes are not eligible to compete in a similar intramural sports event until one full academic year has passed following their last intercollegiate affiliation.

These rules apply to both men's and women's sports.

** 无被选资格 infractions will result in a "loss" for that game, and the team will be ineligible for the post-season tournament.

团队信息 & 输入表单


Each team must have a captain or representative responsible for the coordination between players and the 校内的 Sports program. 职责包括:

  • 确认所有团队成员的资格.
  • Submit the required information for each member of his/her team on an official team roster by the scheduled due date listed on the roster.
  • 参加, 或派代表出席, the scheduled managers meeting prior to the start of the season.
  • Pick up the team schedule from Campus Recreation and notify team members of all scheduled games: date, 位置, 和时间.
  • 球队准备好如期比赛了吗.
  • 熟悉, and make sure team is familiar with and follows 校内的 政策 as well as the rules of the sport.
  • Notify Campus Recreation whenever his/her team must default a contest.
  • Receive all correspondence from Campus Recreation concerning changes in rules, 比赛结构, 等., ineligible players, team conduct at contests, 等.
  • Inform Campus Recreation immediately of any change of address, 电话号码或更换队长.


A submitted roster does not insure inclusion in a league, 因为更多的团队可能会申请,而不是可以容纳. 参赛队伍按收到参赛名单的先后顺序接受. 花名册 must be turned in by the deadline posted on the roster. 迟到的团队将被添加到等待名单中.